
来源:墨沉阁 阅读:50 日期:2023-05-20 09:41:09   标签:


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The Nordic style has gained immense popularity in the world of interior design. It is characterized by its simplicity, functionality, and minimalism. The style is inspired by nature, and it seeks to bring the serenity and calmness of the outdoors inside the home. One of the most prominent features of Nordic interior design is the use of natural materials such as wood, stone, and leather. In this article, we are going to explore how to use the Nordic style in a 140-square-meter home.

The Color Palette

The Nordic style is all about keeping things simple, and this applies to the color palette as well. When it comes to color, the emphasis is on white, black, and shades of gray. These colors are used to create a sense of spaciousness and lightness. However, to add warmth and coziness to space, you can also use earthy tones such as beige, brown and green. A good way to incorporate these colors is by using textiles, accessories, and indoor plants.

Furniture and Accessories

The Nordic style is all about simplicity, and this is reflected in the furniture and accessories used. In a 140-square-meter home, it is important to choose furniture that is functional and fits the space well. Furniture pieces such as sofas, armchairs, and coffee tables should be kept simple, clean-lined, and made from natural materials such as wood and leather. To add texture and warmth to space, you can use woolen blankets, cushions, and rugs. Accessories such as vases, candlesticks, and artworks should be kept to a minimum to avoid clutter.


Lighting is an important aspect of Nordic interior design. In a 140-square-meter home, it is important to have a good balance of natural and artificial light. Large windows and skylights can be used to let in natural light, while artificial lighting should be kept warm and cozy. The use of pendant lights, candles, and table lamps can add a cozy atmosphere to space. It is also important to make sure that the lighting fixtures are simple and clean-lined to fit the Nordic style.

The Outdoors

The Nordic style is heavily influenced by nature, and this is reflected in the outdoors. In a 140-square-meter home, it is important to create a connection between the inside and outside. Large windows, sliding doors, and balconies can be used to bring in natural light and provide a connection to the outdoors. To enhance this connection, you can use indoor plants and natural materials such as wood and stone. Outdoor spaces such as balconies and patios can be used to create a cozy outdoor living area, complete with comfortable furniture and lighting.


In conclusion, by incorporating the Nordic style into a 140-square-meter home, you can create a space that is simple, functional, and stylish. The use of natural materials, a simple color palette, functional furniture, and cozy lighting can make your home feel warm and welcoming while providing a connection to nature. So, if you are looking to decorate your home, consider using the Nordic style for a beautiful and unique look.



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